

Watertalks: Water risks

De allereerste Watertalks special op New Business Radio, in samenwerking met het NWP, gemist? Folkert Tempelman ging met drie internationale gasten in gesprek over water gerelateerde risico's, ofwel water risks. 

Te gast in de Engelstalige uitzending waren Ambika Jindal, VWI Global Project Lead bij het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken; Robin Miller, Manager Investor Engagement Water bij Ceres, en Pritha Hariram, Business Development Manager bij het FMO.

New Business Radio maakt in samenwerking met het NWP (Netherlands Water Partnership) podcast specials, ondersteund door het Partners for Water programma.

Na de uitzending is het programma terug te luisteren als podcast via alle bekende podcast platforms (onder meer Apple Podcasts en Spotify).

English version

Missed the very first Watertalks special, in collaboration with the NWP? Folkert Tempelman talked with three international guests about water risks.

The guests were Ambika Jindal, VWI Global Project Lead at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Robin Miller, Manager Investor Engagement Water at Ceres, and Pritha Hariram, Business Development Manager at FMO.

In collaboration with the Netherlands Water Partnership, New Business Radio makes podcast specials, supported by the Partners for Water program. 

After the broadcast, the program can be listened to as a podcast via all known podcast platforms (including Apple Podcasts and Spotify).

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